Just because something is available seasonally or comes in a can doesn't mean we should eat it. The same holds true for drinks.
Summertime and its accompanying, warmer weather bring with it icy cold drinks that are a refreshing way to beat the heat. However, current scientific research shows that many of these beverages aren’t as healthy as they may seem.
To be sure, there are benefits to drinking certain beverages throughout the year and even seasonal changes. However, proper nutrition is key when choosing what beverage you plan to consume on a regular basis.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 11 reasons you shouldn’t drink your iced drinks cold (or any other kind for that matter).
It’s High In Sugar
We know that the more of it we consume, the hungrier we’ll become. The solution to this is incredibly simple: eat real, whole foods instead of beverages with high amounts of sugar.
are all types of beverages that have added sugar, but iced drinks with high
amounts of syrup are definitely one of them.
Unhealthy eating habits
Soda consumption is directly related to unhealthful eating patterns.
Because sugar activates the same reward areas in the brain as amphetamines and opiates, researchers think it may be just as addictive as illegal substances.
Unfortunately, this implies that just a single soft drink can start a snowball effect where you start to crave increasingly more, which quickly spirals into uncontrollable sugar consumption.
Additionally, soda is frequently provided with less-than-healthy meals, such as
fast food, generating difficult-to-break food associations.
Kidney Health
Minerals build up in the kidney over time and then pass through the urethra, resulting in kidney stones.
Unfortunately, those who
regularly consume soda are more likely to develop this unpleasant condition
since soda contributes to both dehydration and high sugar intake, which are
both linked to an increased risk of kidney disease.
There Are No Fiber Or Meal Replacements
Fibre is extremely important for our bodies. It’s mainly responsible for helping us maintain a healthy weight, lower the risk of developing diabetes, and prevent cardiovascular disease.
Drinking beverages without added fibre or with very little of it can mess up this entire process. There are some fruit juices that do contain a small amount of fibre, but many don’t.
Fibre is essential for preventing heart disease and diabetes. It’s also important for maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of some cancers. It’s found in many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and other staple foods.
It’s particularly high in fibre in fruits and vegetables, such as
apples, blueberries, carrots, and pears. It’s important for people with
diabetes to focus on getting more fibre in their diets because eating more fibre
can help control blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.
There Is No Vitamin C
While some beverages, such as orange juice and many others, have a decent amount of vitamin C in them, many do not.
This important vitamin is responsible for boosting the immune system, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and also improving our skin health.
It’s important to have vitamin C in your diet as it aids in the absorption of minerals like iron and zinc, which are essential to good health. Drinking vitamin C-free beverages is one of the worst things you can do for your body.
Vitamin C helps the body
absorb iron and protect the heart, bones, and muscles. Vitamin C-rich foods
include oranges, strawberries, red peppers, broccoli, papaya, kiwi, and
Artificial and natural sweeteners, which are both known to cause migraine headaches, are abundant in sodas.
When combined with the drying
effects of many caffeine sodas, you have the makings of a headache that may be
too intense for over-the-counter pain relievers to handle.
Excess belly fat
Soda's refined sugar is easily absorbed, and your blood sugar levels will rise.
This abrupt spike in blood sugar causes the release of insulin, which quickly turns the sugar into fat, especially the extra pounds around your waist.
Fortunately, cutting up soda from your diet can help you
lose belly fat by saving you lots of calories and grammes of sugar
Article: How to lose weight and still enjoy
Disaster for Dental Health
The harm cold drink does to your teeth is widely recognised.
Acids like carbonic acid and phosphoric acid are found in
sodas and drinks.
Your mouth becomes extremely acidic due to these acids, which leaves your teeth susceptible to decay. Although the acids can injure you on their own, the addition of sugar makes cold drinks particularly hazardous.
harmful bacteria found in your mouth get their energy from sugar, which is
simple to digest. Over time, this harms oral health along with the acids.
Weakens Bones
Soft drinks have high phosphate content, which can be bad for strong bones.
Even though phosphorous is a crucial part of the bone, losing
bone might result from having more phosphate than calcium.
ReplyDeleteSo Drinking it twice a week is good or bad?
ReplyDeleteIt should be avoided as much as possible.